The love bug tutorial- Feito com bola de isopor


PLAID Supplies
  • Apple Barrel ® Colors - Bright Red, 2 oz.
  • Apple Barrel ® Colors - Yellow, 2 oz.
  • Apple Barrel ® Colors - Black, 2 oz.
  • Apple Barrel ® Colors - Cloudless, 2 oz.
  • Apple Barrel ® Colors - Coral, 2 oz.
  • Apple Barrel ® Colors - Lilac Mist, 2 oz.
Other Supplies
Styrofoam ball – large and small
Black chenille stems
Wood word cutouts
Spouncer ¾”
Flat brush ¼”
Liner brush #1
Stencil brush 1/8”
Round brush #4
Glittered foam sheets – red/white/aqua and dark pink
5mm Wiggle eyes


  1. Referring to photo, paint larger Styrofoam balls (bodies) Black, Lilac Mist and Yellow. When dry, add Bright Red spouncer dots, paint Black stripes and a Cloudless heart.
  2. Press gently on tops of larger balls to create a flat area on bottom to sit without rolling.
  3. Paint remaining small balls (heads) Coral. When dry, paint Black and Lilac Mist caps as shown.
  4. Glue eyes and paint face details with Liner brush. Using a very dry stencil brush, add red cheeks.
  5. Create spouncer dots where arms and legs will be inserted.
  6. Cut chenille stems to desired lengths for arms, legs and antennae. Insert and secure with glue.
  7. Curl ends of arms around wood word cutouts.
  8. Cut heart shapes and collars out of glittered foam sheets. Glue to bodies as shown.
  9. Glue heads to bodies and your love bugs are ready to spread the love!

By Julie Lewis

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